Thursday, August 16, 2007

Campaign 2007: Day 19

I am bloodied but unbowed this week as the campaign hit a technical snafu. For some reason, I had been unable to access g-mail or my blogger account from my computer (hence the lack of posts this week). It was a most inopportune time for this, and I strongly suspect foul play. I don’t want to name names, but I really think that the *iberal *edia had a role in this. There are some who will do anything to see my campaign fail, and that is why it is just so important that we stay strong and overwhelm them with our numbers. We cannot let odd or inexplicable boundaries cloud the fact that this campaign is picking up some serious steam. If you haven’t voted, please take the time to do so.
My Name is Davey G and the Keyboard, and I want to be the Best Solo Music Artist in Baltimore!

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