Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some Important Information about the show

Hi Everyone,

By now, if you have been following the progress of my upcoming album, or if you have been around the Baltimore area in the last week, you are at least vaguely aware of the Davey G and the Keyboard CD Release on November 10 at the Hamilton Arts Collective, if not through me, or through a friend, then maybe through seeing this flyer all over town:

My hope is that you are already planning to attend, and don’t need any further sales pitch, so this message is directed at the people who have already made up their minds to attend--some things you should know, because at this point, I have done so much planning and promoting for this that I really just want to cover the bases and not let anything get in the way of your enjoyment of this show:

1. The Hamilton Arts Collective is wonderful place to see live performances--it has couches, and is set up like a really comfortable living room--but it is a little far from the immediate downtown area. I strongly suggest that you leave early, and you spend a few minutes looking at this page on the HAC’s website. It has directions, and important info about parking.

2. I know many of you are big Davey G fans, and this show is going to be a full-on experience. The opening acts are very strong, and the lighting magic of Imaginary Voyage, Inc is sure to set this show apart from the rest. Pieness does songs set to video game music, something which is right up my alley and sure to entertain. The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad were recently on Fox’s The Next Great American Band performing Kim Wild’s “Kids in America,” and in complete sincerity, I have been looking forward to playing with them all year. So what I’m trying to say is I encourage you to stay for the whole thing, because it’s going to be an overall really good show with acts that are very complementary.

3. Please note that this event is BYOB. I will be bringing some extra National Bohemian from my personal stash to share, but if you want anything else or are worried there won’t be any left for you, make sure you make that all-important stop at the liquor store before coming!

4. When I run out of CD’s, that’s it--so make sure you buy yours early. They will be a special show price of $5, and I will be available for signings as needed.

5. If for whatever reason you really want to go to this show but can’t make it, I forgive you. Just make sure you buy my CD, which will be available on my website and at stores throughout the Baltimore area, to be named in a future message.

Thanks for reading! I will be hard at practice for the next two weeks so see you at the Hamilton Arts Collective!

Davey G and the Keyboard

Friday, October 26, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Three Weeks...

Three weeks. The whole year boils down to the next three weeks. I copied more of these fine Alex Fine flyers, sent several of them off with my handy press release to a bunch of publications and radio stations, just starting to hang these flyers in the windows of stores. (Funny thing is how many of his flyers for other shows are already up--like the Alex Fine empire: he’s a great artist, I highly recommend him.) Much like ads for Coca-cola, soon you will not be able to get away from them as the buzz builds and builds...

Go to for chance to win tickets to the CD release!

And read The Parochialist, it’s seriously taking off!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Davey G and the Keyboard CD Release!

Hello Everyone,
The Cd Release For the long-awaited Davey G and the Keyboard: Chairman of the Keyboard CD is a mere 4 weeks away! 15 new songs, and this is your first crack at it!

Saturday, November 10
At the Hamilton Arts Collective
5440 Harford Road (on the third Floor)
Baltimore, MD 21214
Doors at 8, show at 9.
5 bucks, BYOB
Davey G and the Keyboard
The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad!

Lighting by Imaginary Voyage, Inc!

Go to for the official “Countdown to Davey G CD Release”!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Parochialist

The Culmination of my week-long blog campaign against the Baltimore City Paper is my new blog called The Parochialist, which you can find here.
I will try to update it every week, most likely on Thursday. Read it, comment on it, please offer suggestions, especially of interesting columns and blogs and places to find out about what’s happening in and around Baltimore. Anyone who can find a decent movie review site or book review site would be especially appreciated.
Help me in my campaign to provide an alternative to City Paper.
From now on, my gripes about CP will be on the pages of The Parochialist, as the Davey G blog will get back to Davey G things.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Future of the *uck *ity *aper campaign

I may take this Anti-City Paper Project and put it on a separate blog, as I’m pretty much doing it for my own benefit and for the benefit of likeminded people who are sick of the declining quality of the Baltimore City Paper. I don’t want to detract from the usual Davey G related subjects that normally fill my blog by ranting endlessly about the same subject.
It’s still a germ of a project, I don’t know how far I will go with it. For all I know, I could be putting my tail between my legs in a month and deciding that boycotting them is just too much of a hassle (as a local music artist, it feels like biting the hand that feeds me to speak ill of the only weekly alternative paper in town. But really, what have they ever done for me?). But for now, I just want to put links to the syndicated columns that appear in CP and allow you to avoid ever having to deal with them.
I am content to do my own thing my own way, but it’s really frustrating to see how badly this paper panders to their friends, and makes half-assed sarcastic comments about others (honestly, if I were the Talking Head owner, I would have sued them for libel--but I have probably beaten this issue to death). In short--I just want to stay positive, and if I have an axe to grind with anyone, I prefer to take my revenge through satire (see the Low Level Bureaucrats series). It’s not very Zen of me to let someone make me angry. But the last time I looked, my name was not Buddha. Or even Siddhartha. Or even Herman Hesse. Or Yoda. Or…

So if I get this going, I will link to it here. And if not…there will be several missing days in the Davey G Blog as I try desperately to cover up my involvement in bad-mouthing the City Paper.

Enter to win tickets to the next Davey G and the Keyboard show here!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dave Makes up a Controversy

So you wanna boycott the Baltimore City Paper because you’re sick of their pandering to an elite few while ignoring your favorite artists (like Davey G and the Keyboard?) Boy, are you in luck!

I have (had) been a City Paper reader for 13 years, and I’d always found it to be worth the ten minutes or so I spent with it every week. But now, I just can’t even conceal my disgust for this Alternative Weekly. The complete pandering to their butt buddies from whatever local group is cool this week, the snotty and useless movie reviews, their handling of the Talking Head situation (where they unnecessarily highlighted the owner’s criminal record in a “fair” and “balanced” assessment of why the club had to close down last winter), the god-awful ramblings of Mr. Wrong (yeah, I get it, you’re supposed to be that guy everyone loves to hate--only you express yourself so poorly that even when I agree with you I want to disagree). Hell, they can’t even admit when they actually LIKE something, as that would somehow subtract from their coolness. In short, I am sick of reading the City Paper, and I refuse to support them anymore.

But there is a problem. Do I throw out the baby with the bathwater? After all, there are things in the CP that I do like to read, such as Savage Love, Political Animal, This Modern World, etc. Not to mention that CP is a free source for what’s going on in Baltimore on any given week. How can I still get this information without having to resort to picking up the paper that irritates me so much?
Well, here’s where my plucky resourcefulness comes in. I am making my own bastardized version of the City Paper, for my own personal use, (minus their snotty, annoying commentary) and you can too! Print it out for yourself, add your own columns!

Here’s where I begin:
I love Brain Morton’s Political Animal, and here’s where you can get it:

I also love my Savage Love. Here you go!

This Modern World!

Like the Maakies?

Straight Dope. You can subscribe and get their e-mail every week!

There are about a million places to find movie and book reviews. I invite you to find a place you like and tell me about it.

Stuff to do! Pick up the Thursday Baltimore Sun for the Live Section!

Friend “Baltimore” on Myspace for their weekly newsletter! Ask people you know! Pick up that music mag. (I’ll get the name later)

Other stuff to do: Read a book! Go to Davey G and the Keyboard shows!

This is by no means comprehensive. But it’s a start. Any suggestions on alternatives to other things you may miss in the City Paper? Leave a comment!

Boycotting is hard. But the alternative is to support an institution that has lost sight of it’s purpose. If you are not part of the in-crowd with City Paper, you are out of luck. In their own way, they represent everything that is wrong with Baltimore: parochialism. Yeah, you heard me: parochialism.
Goddamn Parochialism.

Join the fight! Let us never soil our hands with City Paper again!

Davey G.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

some Davey G related news

Just a smattering of some Davey G related news, for your edification:

If you have been paying attention to anything in the blog this year, you already know about the Davey G CD Release, so let me make it official (before I announce it to the general public):

The Davey G and the Keyboard, Chairman of the Keyboard CD Release is on!
Saturday, November 10, at the Hamilton Arts Collective!
5440 Harford Road (3rd Floor)
Baltimore, Maryland 21214

With Pieness, The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad and featuring the lighting magic of
Imaginary Voyage, Inc.

This will be a BYOB show, and you will all get first crack at the new CD. I would go to this show, even if I weren’t in it.

Sad news (at least for now). My trademark sunglasses, the ones I wear for every Davey G show, have unfortunately gone missing. I had the CD cover photo taken last Thursday, then went to a baseball game and the next morning they were gone. I am unclear now as to whether I even took them to the game. Really, this is stupid, but it upsets my world. (That, and the perpetual cough I’ve had for over a month now.) They are prescription glasses, so they are not cheap. I still keep some hope that they will turn up, but for now I will be squinting along with the rest of us. (It’s okay, I’ll survive.)

For those fans up in Pittsfield, Massachusetts--look for a possible show next month. (!) It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but if it happens I will be all over getting the word out. The March of ‘06 show at the Source of the Nile (R.I.P) turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever done. I still get people messaging me about it. Honestly, I’m excited about this prospect of another return to the homeland; I hope it gets off the ground. Stay tuned!

And if you miss those…there will be Davey G at the Hole in the Wall Cabaret, coming up in March. Check out Hole in the Wall Cabaret, they’ve got a schedule for this season with lots of great stuff.
That’s all for now! More info to come!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Silent Auction Recap!

This weekend’s Silent Auction for the Race for the Cure was a big success! I asked my girl “What do they do with the stuff that doesn’t sell?” and she said “Everything sold!” All right! My Davey G and the Keyboard Gift Package was one of the first things to go, along with a whole slew of great stuff, including tool sets, learning packages for kids, gift certificates for restaurants--literally, there was not one item left standing as the event helped to raise many, many dollars to help the fight against breast cancer.

I’d like to thank everyone who came out to help, it was an unbelievable success and I was proud to be part of it.

Let me tell you about the day--after helping to load all the gift packages from ISG Headquarters to the Waterfront Hotel, I went around putting up signs with arrows, pointing people to the event. On the way, I talked to some Lyndon Larouche guy who was out stumping for his cause. While I admit to my ignorance of Lyndon Larouche (the extent of my knowledge comes from a Simpsons episode where Homer is kidnapped by aliens and says “Lyndon Larouche was right!”) he was a nice guy who for the most part said things I agreed with (e.g., “nice day today, isn’t it?”).

About an hour after all the signs were up, I went out and saw that the one on the corner of Thames and Broadway had been taken down and (gasp!) thrown in the trash! I was shocked…well, not really. That particular place I had put it is known for being a bad spot for that sort of thing (no punk rock flyer ever stays up there for long.) But this led to a tactic that may have done more good than the sign: we went around with signs and drew people in! I held up the once-discarded sign with the arrow and said “Silent Auction at the Waterfront Hotel!” The foot traffic that came from taking it to the streets was tremendous.

And now I must offer a humble, heartfelt admission. While I am on record, both in song (“Giuliani Time”) and in the blog and in person of being a huge Yankees and Yankees fan hater, I have got to offer them my thanks. I believe that their presence in town boosted the success of this event. With all of them walking around, with nothing but time on their hands and money to spend, they truly were an asset to the Silent Auction. Big thanks to the one fan who was drawn in by my arrow, then spent the whole afternoon at the auction!

So soak up my temporary love, Yankees fans, because next week I am sooooo rooting against you!

But seriously, thanks to all of you.