Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Davezine Myspace Page

Hey Everyone,

Davezine is my personal fiction zine, which I have been doing for about 13 years.
My stories are often about desperate people in unusual situations--comedic political stories, messed-up quasi gay Porn, stories about childhood issues, what have you. If you are the type of person who would enjoy reading a story about a person whose impotency medication makes him retarded, you are my kind of reader.

My influences, if this helps you: Christopher Buckley, Kurt Vonnegut, The Simpsons, Arrested Development (the TV show), Charles Bukowski, the city I live in, the city I used to live in, my messed up family.

The latest ones have been the Low Level Bureaucrats saga, about a troubled city not unlike Baltimore, who elect a mayor on the basis of his promise to eliminate meter maids.

My long dormant myspace page has been updated to serve as the page for all things relating to Davezine, and I am inviting you to check it out. It has links to the Davezine catalog, covers to all the zines, and a new blog with previews of the upcoming Davezine #13, which will be out this March.

Visit the page, be my friend, be my friend, be my fucking friend. And then look for the new Davezine, coming soon!


Davey G.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

News about the up-coming Davezine 13!

At the risk of cursing myself-- with the exception of some proof-reading, some editing, a change or two here and there, I am proud to say that
Low Level Bureaucrats 3: The Rise of the Collective is done!

Working nearly every available day, getting frustrated with dead ends and a story that has gone through multiple re-workings, now I have a (mostly) finished story, which concludes the Low Level Bureaucrats Trilogy--at least as far as the print version goes. I have decided that any future adventures in Beatown will live on-line.

I started Low Level Bureaucrats way back in 2004. It was an idea I had to write a story about a guy who runs for mayor on a platform of eliminating meter maids. That story took me about 8 months to write, and ultimately it played a role in returning Davey G and the Keyboard to the stage at the 2005 Davezine 11 release after a 3 year hiatus.

In 2006, I wrote Low Level Bureaucrats 2: (Karl) Love Story , which turned out to be one of my easiest writing experiences ever, with none of the usual hesitation and re-working that had gone into previous stories. I had the idea, I worked on it steadily for 3 months, and it just came out.

Part 3 was not so easy. As some readers may know, I had worked on Part 3 for months and months and struggled along to get 12 pages of a story that I just didn’t like. Not that it was bad, but it appeared that I’d been watching the Simpsons too much, and had maybe unconsciously copped a plot-line that, while not bad, just wasn’t one that I was happy ending the trilogy with.

Then I came across the article about how a drug for Restless Leg Syndrome leads to the side effect of gambling. This inspired me to re-imagine Karl Love’s gambling addiction of LLB 2 into a side effect from a drug used to treat his Freudian Slip. And then I thought about things in my adopted home town of Baltimore that really irritate the hell out of me, and it morphed into a story that I feel effectively wraps up the trilogy, and serves as catharsis for…those things that irritate the hell out of me in Baltimore. (see: the Parochialist).
And even that story hit a snag. I blasted something out in two months, then had to go back and rework at least half of it. (The lesson here: plan your stories before you write them, you will thank yourself for it later.)
But very soon, Davezine Number 13, featuring Low Level Bureaucrats 3: the Rise of the Collective will come out for all to read.

Look for my new Davezine at the end of March! I will announce it here, on my blog, on my site, on myspace, mailing list--wherever you are reading this!

For back issues, (Davezine 1-12) here’s the link to my catalog!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Your First Announcement for New Davey G shows!

After the big Chairman of the Keyboard CD release in November, followed by the final show of the year in Massachusetts (in front of a great hometown crowd!) Davey G and the Keyboard went underground. You see, I kept a secret from everybody for 6 months, a secret that by now is out in the open, especially to anyone who has taken a gander at my blog or my myspace page recently: Michele and I got married, in a Las Vegas ceremony.
If you didn’t get invited, don’t be insulted: no one did. It was completely planned, and had been in the works for 6 months, but we kept it from everyone because, well, we just wanted it that way. And because of this, I was busy, and then after the wedding, I extended the break.
Now, I am pleased to announce that I am returning to the stage in 2008 with 2 shows in the month of March.

Saturday, March 1, the Hole in the Wall Cabaret!
For now, they are doing their thing at “Loads of Fun” on 120 W North Ave, in beautiful midtown Baltimore Maryland.

Thursday, March 20, Sidebar Tavern.
The Sidebar - 218 E. Lexington Street - Baltimore, MD 21202
Doors at 9.
With Pieness, and the Entertainment System, and another act or two TBA.

All this info is preliminary--that is, the shows are confirmed but the details are still forthcoming. Just thought you might like to know, so you can save the date(s).

Keep reading, I should have more info to share soon!


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Good Reads Plug

Hi there,
I have been on for a little while now, and I just wanted to invite anyone interested to check out my book reviews. It's a great site for people like me who are always on the lookout for the next "good read." Join, be my friend, we'll be smarter together, it'll be much more funner.


You can read more reviews like this one:

The Bluest State by Jon Keller

Being from Massachusetts and having a moderately liberal bent, I treated this book with skepticism at first, thinking that it was just another right-wing bashing of liberalism and all it’s supposed evils: it’s not. It is an examination of how the politics of the state are destroying the Democratic Party on a national level.
As a journalist who has covered Mass. Politics for almost 30 years, Keller does not have to look too far to see what is wrong with his home state, and at the end it seems to come back to Baby Boomer politicians, both Republican and Democrat, who infuse politics with their own narcissism and sense of entitlement. From the Kennedy excesses, to the debacle of the Big Dig (in which a structural problem was responsible for the death of 2 people a month after it opened), to rampant Political Correctness (“what the f___ is a holiday tree?”) this book opens it up and tells us what happens when one group is entrenched, in charge, and aloud to screw things up unabated.
I left Massachusetts 14 years ago and have never looked back, and apparently I am not alone.

What I learned: When any one party, Democratic, Republican, what have you, is in charge for too long, it is human nature for that party to turn corrupt in an effort to hold on to that power.

Note: This is a great companion piece to the brilliant “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” by Tom Frank.
I would recommend two other books: “Growing Up Fast” by Joanna Lipper and “Foul Ball” by Jim Bouton as great examples of books about my hometown which illustrate, on a personal level, how things are so screwed up in the Bay State because of cronyism (Foul Ball) and economic depression (Growing up Fast)