Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Summer of G!

Let's just make this's the Summer of G!

The Summer of G!
Davey G and the Keyboard’s June/July Shows!

Wednesday, June 11
Davey G and the Keyboard At the Sidebar! With Markitect and Fourth Grade Security Risk! 218 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Doors at 9!

Sunday, June 15
Davey G and the Keyboard at the Metro Gallery! with Everthus the Deadbeats, Person Parcel and Quartet Offensive. Doors at 8!

Thursday, July 3
Davey G and the Keyboard at the Sidebar! With S1NGLETON, Rocky 3(PA), Media Darling and Aggromatics.
218 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Doors at 9!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Davey G and the Keyboard’s June/July Tour Dates!

Strap Yourself in, Kids!

June 1. No show.
June 2. No show.
June 3. No show.
June 4. Off
June 5. Off.
June 6. No show.
June 7 Off
June 8. Off
June 9. Nothing happening tonight
June 10. Or tonight.
June 11. Davey G and the Keyboard At the Sidebar! With Markitect and Fourth Grade Security Risk! 218 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Doors at 9!
June 12. Hey, I just played last night, what the hell do you expect?
June 13. Off.
June 14. Nope.
Sunday, June 15th, 2008. Davey G and the Keyboard at the Metro Gallery!
www. themetrogallery. net
with Everthus the Deadbeats
Person Parcel
Quartet Offensive
Doors are at 8pm.
June 16. Off.
June 17. No show.
June 18. No Davey G show tonight.
June 19. Nope.
June 20. Off.
June 21. Hey, Man, I got a life outside of Davey G.
June 22. No show.
June 23. Davey G will not be appearing tonight.
June 24. No.
June 25. No shows for a few days.
June 26. Off
June 27. Off.
June 28. Nothing.
June 29. Zilch,
June 30. Off night.
July 1. Off
July 2. No show.
July 3. Davey G and the Keyboard at the Sidebar! 218 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Doors at 9!
The last night of the Tour!
With other bands TBA!

Much excitement!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I Saw a Laser Printer…

Davezine numbers 9 through the most recent Davezine 13 (not including number 11) have all been printed on the trusty HP PSC 750, an inkjet printer/scanner/copier which I have used the living crap out of ever since picking it up sometime in 2002 (or maybe it was 2001?). I have plowed ahead with this printer, using it far beyond its’ intended capacity, even as the panel instructions were displayed in French, refilling the ink after about every 400 or so copies. It has been a finicky, yet durable little guy, and as I am unnaturally loyal to inanimate objects (my partner is a keyboard), it is always hard to admit that I need to move on and make an upgrade.

I decided that Davezine Number 13 would be the last zine to come from the PSC 750. I can describe the process of assembling this zine at home with a printer that only does about 6 pages a minute, but let’s just say it takes an unnaturally long time to put out, say 100 copies of a 40 page publication with this kind of technology. It is with the zine, and my sanity in mind that I look to the future of the Davey G enterprise.

I am buying a new printer. Don’t know exactly when, or what kind (but I have some ideas) and it will be a laser printer. Life has been pretty good to me, and I can actually afford to move out of these dark ages and start printing like a real man.

UPDATE: …and I got one!

I wrote that last part this morning, then decided to look on-line, resuming the search I had started a few weeks ago. And then I went to Staples. And they had the one I was looking for: an HP LaserJet 3055. A clearance discount, and I got the very last one in the store.

I hooked it up, and let me tell you: HOLY CRAP!!! These copies absolutely blow away my old printer. Just for the hell of it, I am copying Davezine #10. Yes. I am now printing like a real man.
(if you can believe it, I have 3 new shows coming up to announce, so stay handy, or tuned in, or whatever the kids are saying...)

Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Triumph...

Saturday, May 3, 2008
Free Comic Book Day.

This was an outdoor show at a rather large gathering. I find there are two types of shows that I play, and each is a different challenge. The first type is the one where people come to see a live performance, where they have paid money and know what they are getting into when they come. The second type is the one where I am playing somewhere, at a party or whatever and there may be a lot of people there but they are not necessarily interested in seeing me or my music. It is then the challenge of trying to win over those people who may or may not even care. This is essentially what this show was for me.

I was playing at one in the afternoon and I tailored my set to be what I called “PG-13.” That is, no STD’s, no I Love Crack and no F-words. Even so, my set will never be exactly child-friendly. I still use bad words like “ass” and “Goddamn,” but Goddammit my ass was at least trying. It went well--I did 12 songs, captured on my 3 dollar tape recorder. I had spent the week making practice tapes and as I listen to the tape made of this show, it is not very much different--which is kind of the point. I was pleased. Now if only I can start bringing my camera to these things, next time I will have more/better pictures for you--this was a colorful crowd of costumed superheroes, little kids, middle-aged comic book fans, punk rockers, and parents of little kids.

Big thanks to the Mandroids for inviting me, Pablonius Bill and Person Parcel for playing. Thanks to Collector’s Corner. Apologies to the bands I didn’t stick around for because I had to go to work.

Anyone who wants a copy of one of the remaining 4 cassette tapes from a week’s worth of practices leave a comment and I will see what I can do.

Thanks for reading! More shows coming up soon!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Saturday's Line-up for Free Comic Book Day!

The Line-up (with approximate times)

1-1:20 Davey G. & the Keyboard
1:25-1:45 Person Parcel
1:50-2:10 Mandroids
2:15-2:35 Pablonious Bill
2:40-3:00 Rare Candy

Saturday at the Collector’s Corner…
Free Comic Book Day!
8108 A Harford Road
Baltimore, MD

Hope to see you there!