I’m putting up a lot of flyers for this CD release. I have often wondered at the value of putting up flyers as a way to get people to come to shows--after all, when was the last time I went to a show just because I saw a flyer? And who the hell is this Davey G guy and why should anyone give half a crap that he is doing a show? But it is kind of a fact of life of the performer: I want people to come, and I know that if I didn’t put the flyer up, I wouldn’t feel like I’ve done all I can to boost the turnout. It's like one of those weird things that I have to do, even if I don't entirely understand why--like going to church or something.
So there they are--on poles, in restaurants, on some cars (with permission, of course) and every other day or so I’m checking back to see if they are still there, or if the wind or the rain or some angry garbage man has taken it down. In most cases, they are still there, and that makes me happy. It makes me happy to see my face on a pole and know that others can see it too, and are maybe, just maybe, thinking about coming to the show.
But after the show is over and I am no longer stressing about all the things related to the show, I will be happy when I can look at a light pole without thinking “that would be a good spot for a Davey G flyer.”
Only 9 more days ‘til the CD Release!
Come see my countdown clock on my Website!
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