The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J Stanley, PhD, and William D. Danko, PhD.
The authors study the lives of millionaires to determine their habits--how they gain and maintain wealth--and reach surprising conclusions about “inconspicuous consumption.” Basically, there’s a difference between looking wealthy and actually being wealthy. Many seemingly upper middle class people are actually huge financial underachievers because of the money spent maintaining the image and the lifestyle, vs. millionaires who are still at heart cheapskates.
This is the kind of book that makes me feel a little bad about some of my past spending habits, and my choice (or lack of choice) of an occupation. I am a cheapskate, low-spender-hate-to-spend-money-on-anything-that-isn’t beer (see past blog posts for confirmation of this) so I am on board with half the plan, but as for the “choosing the right occupation” part of the formula…being Davey G is apparently not in the top ten.
I also, like millions of Americans, have debt, mostly the result of car repairs, 7 years of on and off wanderlust, and some bad habits. It’s a little embarrassing, incongruous with the way I feel now about credit and spending, but there it is. I feel like the former smoker who preaches against smoking but then sneaks one when no one is looking.
But if I learned anything from Rocky’s speech at the end of Rocky 4, it’s that you can change (how’s that for a reference?). Everyone can change.
(scroll down, it’s there--it’s in the speech he gives after he improbably beats up Dolph Lundgren)
E.P for sale!!!
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