Saturday, January 06, 2007

Talking Head Club Closing

I realize this is a day late and a dollar short, but I had a few words about the demise of the Talking Head Club, a place at which I'd played a number of shows in the last 2 years. They were always good to me, fair, and made me sound great. They were never hard to deal with and they deserved to succeed, because as many of us in Baltimore know, there are precious few gatekeepers of music and culture in this town--it was nice to know that one of them was not an asshole. While it is gone now, hopefully it will come back later and be better than ever.
And by the way, here's this ridiculously irresponsible article in the City Paper about this. As you read it ask yourself this question: does this guy really deserve to have his (fairly mundane) legal troubles aired publicly, simply because he is someone who runs (ran) a rock club--something that loosely serves the community and was a great venue for bands like me? And how would you like it if your little secrets were aired like this? Fuck fuck fuck fuck the City Paper!

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