Monday, January 22, 2007

Davey G Writing thoughts...

I’ve come to realize that the way I write has changed over the years. Whereas I used to write the way that I spoke, now I seem to write more the way that I think, with all the messiness of human thought, non-sequiturs, random references, etc.
I’m pretty much writing every day now, and it is easy to get into patterns that only make sense to me. Though I primarily write for myself, it is still nice when other people can get the jokes. Or maybe keeping with my sort of cult status, I need to store those random little gems in my stories or songs that maybe only a handful will understand, a la Matt Groening. It’s tough. In this, I see yet another reason why it is so hard to achieve financial success in any creative field: you drive yourself crazy thinking about what people will like, as opposed to what you want to do.
I realize relatiblity is something I need to keep in mind when I write. I have never wanted to be one of those “look how clever I am” writers, incomprehensible or boring. I would like to write clear, plot-driven stories that are funny with funny characters but that make sense. After all, what good is writing shit that nobody gets? Unless of course it amuses me. (You see the problem.)

Eat the Corn Flakes, Karl.

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