Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy 2007!

Happy 2007!

“Hello, I’m here to destroy your life”--a zine about bad roommates. That’s the new name of the project. I have one submission so far, and I invite more people to do the same.

In modern society, it is often practical and expedient to find a like-minded individual with whom to share a living space and expenses. This ‘zine is about when that arrangement goes bad.
Keep your eyes open…
Stuff I’m Reading (hopefully a new feature of the Blog for 2007)
Better For All the World: The Secret History of Forced Sterilization and America’s Quest for Racial Purity by Harry Bruinius. This book is about the eugenics movement in the early part of the 20th century, and about how much stock people put in the idea of superior breeding: trying to breed out negative traits through forced sterilization of inferior and feeble-minded individuals. Inevitably, it caused many to play God and many who were not defective mentally or physically were affected. And then there was the effect of the Nazi Party, which was the main contributor to the death of the movement (along with the death of the men who developed the idea) who ironically used many of the same rationalizations for their actions from what had been going on in America.
The main thing I got out of this book was that I think people from so-called lower classes make our culture a hell of a lot more colorful than ones from “superior breeding.” And that there is a slippery slope whenever anyone tries to fuck with biology. After all, I saw Jurassic Park just like the rest of you.


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