Monday, October 09, 2006

Columbus Day!

Ah, another Columbus Day! I’m still tinkering with the story I’ve been doing, pretty much thinking that either it’s going to make people laugh or it will not. I have that “just want to get it out of my system” feeling and it may be the one really strong motivator.

Here’s an excerpt:

It was the evening of June 27 when everyone at the Jackson Firm knew they could no longer put up with Rhonda’s incessant bitching…

One by one, the men turned over the slips of paper they’d drawn from the shoebox. Stanley turned his over, not breathing for an instant, and then quickly looked down: nothing. He let out a sigh of relief. Allen couldn’t see straight, but as he turned over he slip of paper, suddenly he knew. It was Jim. Jim had drawn the black stained paper. Jim had the cruel misfortune of being the one to have to take out the boss.
“It isn’t fair!” cried Jim. “You didn’t give me enough time to pick the paper I wanted!”
“C’mon Jim: take one for the team,” said Stanley. “We all took the same chance.”
“It wasn’t fair,” Jim said again, sobbing. “It just isn’t fair.”

It's funnier if you're familiar with Shirley Jackson's The Lottery.

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