Monday, October 23, 2006


Beck was never an artist that I got into, but gentle persuasion has gotten me to re-examine his music. Over the weekend my girl and I saw him at the Landmark Theatre in Jersey City, a great facility.

The site describes it as a Movie Palace, a facility designed to be “so spectacular as to become essentially the opening act for the show" making "an uplifting and unforgettable experience.” I can say that after seeing Beck in this facility, doing a nearly two hour show, complete with puppets mimicking the band and projected overhead throughout, the theatre was a perfect setting for this spectacle.
Not being overly familiar with his music, I still enjoyed seeing him playing songs I knew, opening with “Loser,” continuing with “Girl”, doing his hits like "Devil's Haircut" and "Where it's At", songs from the new album and songs from the divorce album, going through a slew of slower ones as his band sat at the dinner table and ate on stage, then got into a rip-roaring percussion session on the table during “Clap Hands” (NOTE: if I’m getting song titles wrong I apologize). The show ended, the band went off and then there was a Jersey City Themed Puppet Movie, to the tune of Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer.” He came back out, people ran around in bear suits, and someone was smoking a joint somewhere around where we were standing. Everyone could smell it, security was going crazy looking for the person. People weren’t supposed to take pictures but people did anyway. It was a great show.

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