I completed the third day of Davey G and the Keyboard: Chairman of the Keyboard recording, so now I’m up to 11 songs (10 for the album, 1 for the e.p). It’s very exciting to have this new album taking shape--I just did “Be My Friend” (which I’ve played out at 2 different shows), plus “Chairman of the Keyboard” : the theme song for the new album. A minimal, minor chord using rag with low notes and very few words (unusual for me, I know) and “You Triumph When You Quit.” I swear, I never thought this song would be so much trouble--it’s an idea I’ve had for so long--the anti-inspirational song--but I could never settle on lyrics, or a tune, or anything about it. I just had a few lines that I knew I wanted to use:
“the last time I failed I heard someone say
‘it’s a good thing that you failed ‘cause your dreams were stupid anyway.’ ”
And until a few days ago, I had nothing that made me happy. But now I do, and it will appear on the CD.
So I’m 11 songs in. I’m sorry if sometimes my blog is just a big wet promotion for this new CD, but it’s going to be really good. I’m hitting a stride with this whole “Davey G” thing and I think by the time I finish I will have something I’m very proud of.
A few more things: a few more blog posts and I will have done 100 (give or take). I may do a “clip show” gimmick for number 100, but I thank everyone who reads and hope you keep doing so!
The next show is coming up in about 2 weeks. I will start another 2 week training period but not subject you to the pain of reading about it…at least not like the last show! At any rate, I’m still fresh from the last performance, so it might not be as intense.
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