My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I’m probably short-changing this fairly brilliant book by simply saying that it is an excellent follow-up to Freakonomics, applying the same off-beat approach to human behavior based upon incentives. I would say that I’m a little annoyed that they opened the book with the whole bit about prostitutes, as it really prevents me from being able to recommend it to, say, somebody’s smart but uptight dad, because it is otherwise a hugely entertaining read and a great way to start thinking about the world around us.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After reading both the Freakonomics books, Gladwell was an obvious follow-up. This is a brilliant examination of the forces at work which cause an idea to become an epidemic (like the Macarena or Hush Puppies or maybe Bill Clinton). For examples, he uses Paul Revere’s Ride, NYC Subway vigilante Bernard Getz, and a fascinating correlation between suicide and smoking. My only thought about this book is that it could very well be used in a cynical way in some evil marketing plan by say, the vile food of KFC or something.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is a brilliant book about the power of “thin slicing,” or the ability to make decisions based upon a person’s reactions in the first few moments of any situation. It explores this phenomenon in the world of art, music, politics, and crime. I was a big fan of Gavin de Becker’s The Gift of Fear, and this book would probably make a great companion piece for that.
All three of these books are worth checking out for their off-beat thinking and fast-paced writing.
SF= 4 stars
TTP= 5 stars
Blink= 4 and a half stars
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