My First Foray into Novel Writing.
It is almost November, and I have been quietly preparing for the National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo.
My wife has been encouraging me to do this for the last few years and finally, finally, I am going to undertake the epic quest of writing a 50,000 word novel in the span of 30 days. This a challenge that will trump any of my previous writing accomplishments.
I have an idea, and have been keeping a notebook--all of that will remain a secret until I can actually pump this thing out. My life is already pretty well-structured to accomplish this, with days that are blocked for creative pursuits, and I think I’ve laid down some pretty good writing habits in the last few years that will help with this.
So now I’ve told you. Now I’m Committed. 50 thousand words in 30 days or bust.
I encourage anyone out there to join me, to write their own novel and to be a part of my support group. You can find me at the Nanowrimo site. Be my friend!
Saturday will be Day One. It is also the day of my big show at the Windup Space (12 W. North Ave, 9 p.m. Davey G and the Keyboard with Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad, Bene Gesserit Witch and Markitect) I hope you can be a part of one or the other, or both.
(This book will help. It is written by the guy who founded Nanowrimo.),M1
Thanks a lot! I’ll let you know how it’s going!
This Document is 249 words. Now it’s 254. Now it’s 260...
Davey G and the...Blog. I am the author of several DIY Novels, the latest of which is Pain Center: the Novel!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
So many video games...

For anyone interested...I am selling my duplicate copies of Atari Games on eBay.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Davey G and the Keyboard at the Windup Space!
It's been awhile, but now I have some new songs and am playing with a great line-up at a fabulous new bar. Come out and see!
Saturday, November 1
At the Windup Space
12 W. North Avenue
Baltimore, MD
Doors at 9.
5 bucks
Davey G and the Keyboard
The Dirty Marmaduke Flute Squad
Bene Gesserit Witch
Come out for a great night of post-Halloween entertainment!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Stuff I'm Reading: Breaking Free, by Herschel Walker

My review
rating: 2 of 5 stars
Herschel Walker's battle with Dissociative Identity Disorder should be a fascinating story, but I wasn't nearly as interested as I might have thought. I can't tell if the problem lies with the way the book is written or if it's the story itself: do I blame the ghost writers or the man himself for not having an interesting enough story?
I choose to blame the ghost writers, since it was up to them to shape his life in a manner that would make for a better read. (But it doesn't help that there is way too much Jesus in this book.) In better hands, this would have been a good read.
But I commend the fact that Walker came out about this bizzare illness, and it has helped to clear up my own misunderstandings about it. So I will just say that it is only ok.
View all my reviews.
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