Monday, June 19, 2006

sad but, just sad.

This is the announcement I sent out about the big show I wanted to do Saturday:

Attention To Fans of Davey G and the Keyboard and Davezine!!!
Due to a great many factors, many of which are out of my control, it has become necessary to cancel the Davezine Release Party on June 24.
Davezine and the release is very important to me--however, I feel as though I cannot give my best effort this time around and rather than do something that is less than my best I have opted to postpone until I can make it what I want it to be.
I apologize to anyone who may have planned to attend. Please know that this is a temporary setback--the new Davezine is coming out, but the party will be held at another time, when you will receive an announcement via e-mail.
Thank you so much for your support--keep your eyes open for the rescheduling!!!
Davey G
From Davey G and the Keyboard and Davezine

This show last year was so great, it really set the bar high for anything else I do. I have great fans and friends and as a performer (laugh if you want) I really respect the audience--anyone who gives me their time and money deserves the best I can do.
I hope to get this thing going at some other time. But the zine is still being printed regardless, so I think that’s still something to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

don't be sad, baby! be confident in your decision.

i'm so proud of you. thanks for my #1 copy of DaveZine 12. i will treasure it always.

Anonymous said...

post something. it's been more than a month. =P