My "Playoff Beard", Day 11Whew…I’ve put 17,000 words into a new month-long novel writing project as part of the
National Novel Writing Month and…well, it’s going pretty well. It’s the 11th day, I’ve got my playoff beard going (I’ll shave when I hit 50,000, or on December 1, whichever comes first.) I just wanted to give the update and talk about what it’s been like so far.
This year is turning out to be tougher than last year, at least to start. I’m finding myself forgetting and now re-learning some of the things I stumbled into last year, and maybe possibly now just getting into some sort of flow. The biggest lesson of last year was to put character first and plot will come--after all the founder of the National Novel Writing Month wrote the manual called
“No Plot, No Problem.” It’s true. I have no plot, but my new main character suggests a wealth of possibilities.
(Again, a shameless free plug for my last year’s NaNoWriMo book,
The Best of Thunder Johnson here!)
The title for the new book is
The Self-Affirmator, I’ll try to put up a fun excerpt or two in time.
Cheers. Word.